The inflammation of paranasal cavities, known as Sinusitis in medical terms, is the most common yet extremely annoying health condition.
The symptoms of Sinusitis depend on the severity of the condition.
- Headache
- Mild fever
- Nasal Drianage
- Cough & Sneezing
- Sore throat
These conditions further develop into facial pain, tooth pain and severe headache.
Cold temperature is what initially triggers SInusitis and appears to be seasonal with the winter onset every year. The condition worsens with exposure to viral and bacterial infections, irritants and pollen in the atmosphere.
- Allergy
- Nasal blockage
- Swelling or structural differences in nasal cavities
- Exposure to Cold Weather
- Consumption of Cold Items
Although Sinusitis is a most common condition, it doesn’t really have a permanent solution in modern medicine. Ayurveda on the other hand has shown to produce effective results with great and permanent relief from Sinusitis.